Pucci counting off prime numbers to calm himself Pucci's slim gown appears purple in the manga, and black in the anime He has thin sideburns, spreading at the edge of the middle of his jaw.
Later depictions have the shaved lines of each hexagon joining and going to the base of his skull by forming a one-chevron line.
In early depictions, the other side of these hexagons joined the rest of the hair with another zig-zagging strand of hair and shaved lines formed a triangle behind each ear in a way that the larger mass of hair formed a large plus sign on the back of his head. Pucci has very short white hair with shaved lines forming two elongated hexagons of hair between his scalp and his temples, each joining the corresponding eyebrow with a zig-zagging strand of hair. Pucci is a dark-skinned man of average to above-average height and slim to fit build.